Salmon Automotive Online Credit Application

Your Information

Personal Information:
First Name:
Last Name:

Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
City, State ZIP:
Phone Number:
E-mail Address:

Previous Address (if less than 3 years at present address):
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
City, State ZIP:

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) / /
Social Security Number:
Number of dependents:
Have you ever filed individual bankruptcy? Yes: No:
Have you ever had a vehicle repossessed? Yes: No:

Current Employer:
Employer Phone Number (include extension):
Job Title/Military Rank:
Length of time with current employer:
Previous Employer:
Gross Annual Income: $ .00 (no commas or dollar signs)
Annual income from child support/alimony: $ .00 (no commas or dollar signs)
(Note: Alimony, child support and separate maintenance income need not be revealed if you do not want that income considered when evaluating this credit application)

Housing Information:
Do you:
Other (live with family, etc.)
Monthly housing cost: $ .00 (no commas or dollar signs, include mortgage, insurance, and property taxes if you own)
Length of time at this address:

Trade-In Information:
Pay-off (if known):

Vehicle Information:
Down payment: $.00
Which one of our vehicles are you considering?

Co-Applicant Information:
I do not have a co-applicant
My co-applicant lives at the same address
My co-applicant does not live at the same address

Click to proceed to the next step in the application process:

IMPORTANT: Make sure all information is correct on this screen before continuing

Step 1: Your Information | Step 2: Your Co-Applicant's Information | Step 3: Accept Terms & Conditions

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